RE/MAX Australia is committed to supporting the community, an attitude that runs wholeheartedly through our organisation. The advantage of such a large network is the opportunity to firmly stand behind a cause. As such, RE/MAX Australia is proud to support Make-A-Wish® Australia.
Make-A-Wish® grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Since 1985, more than 7,000 wishes have been granted for children across Australia. It takes more than medicine alone to help seriously-ill children. An international study found that Make-A-Wish wishes make a life-changing difference to the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of children and their families.
When RE/MAX of Australia became an Official Partner of Make-A-Wish® Australia in 2012, our aim was to give something back to the community by helping to make a positive, lasting impact on children and teenagers battling life-threatening medical conditions.
For over 30 years, Make-A-Wish has been the only charity in Australia solely focused on granting bespoke, life-changing wishes. They take each child on a carefully designed, unique journey where they anticipate and experience their most cherished wish coming true. This journey gives these really sick kids and teens hope for the future, strength to face the challenges of their illness, and joy from their incredible wish experience. Make-A-Wish wishes are vital, build resilience, and together with medical treatment, give seriously ill kids the best chance of survival.
RE/MAX Colonial Annerley and all RE/MAX Colonial Annerley Sales Consultants are proud to donate a portion of each property sale to Make-A-Wish, as all money donated helps to make vital wishes come true.
With the support of our offices RE/MAX Australia has been able to raise awareness and funds through fundraising efforts such as fashion shows, movie premieres and local carnivals. To find out more about Make-A-Wish® or to show your support, like the team at RE/MAX Colonial Annerley do, visit makeawish.org.au or call 1800 032 260.